FirstClass® Client is the graphical front-end software required to connect via network or modem to FirstClass systems. It will run on any Macintosh with at least 1 MB of memory.
Also attached to this message is introductory user documentation in Microsoft Word format.
FirstClass Client for Macintosh 2.5 offers the following new features and enhancements:
€ Easier general setup
€ Easier modem selection and file distribution
€ Support for any size login graphics
€ Revised, logical menu arrangement
€ Support for menu customization
€ Enhanced e-mail features including unsent, priority, sensitivity and receipting
€ Support for custom forms and forms stationery
€ Message sorting by status
€ Window zooming support
€ Window sizing and position remembered for user items
€ Pictures in résumés
€ Enhanced admin and user forms, including Get Info
€ Enhanced overall performance and file transfer speed, particularly uploads
€ Enhanced FCP with large packets, large windows & automatic packet encryption
€ Option-double click on attachments can launch creator application
€ Icon cleanup command
€ Icon drag-to-grid feature
€ Proper greying of icons when opened
€ Icons do not flash when opened on top of background conference pictures
€ New easier-to-use labelled palettes, both horizontal and vertical
The attached 2.51 maintenance release offers the following enhancements:
€ Shift-tab problems with certain forms corrected
€ Unimplemented trap fixed while running TrueType init on 020 & 030 machines and System 6
€ Unformatted floppies inserted while client is running no longer bring up bad volume mount dialog
€ Deleting routes & conferences brings up a different dialog than delete user
€ Last name now used when deleting from user list if user ID is blank